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Morbid Curse Webzine was created by Noctir during the frozen nights of January 2008. All written content is the property of Noctir, unless otherwise stated. Do not reproduce anything without permission. Cover art and lyrical excerpts are property of their respective artists / label.

Latest additions:

Abathor - The Ultimate Cure (1991)

Darkthrone - Old Star (2019)

Clandestine Blaze - Tranquility of Death (2018)

On the Degeneracy of Metal (Aug. 2018)

On the Absurdity of Human Cognizance (Apr. 2018)

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How to begin? Unfortunately, Morbid Curse Webzine has been inactive for some years. There have been several reasons for this, with the main one being that the sitebuilder is obsolete. As such, the site can no longer be edited in any way, effectively putting an end to my work there. Other issues meant that this was not that big of a deal as I wouldn't have been able to do much regardless of the functionality of Tripod's sitebuilder. However, I have occasionally wished to do something and looked into having the site moved elsewhere, with no luck. For anyone familiar with the site, it was quite clear that my web design skills are almost nonexistent. Still, in the old days of the internet, this was not much of a problem and since the original spirit of the site was to maintain the feel of those times, I thought to make an attempt at creating a successor here. Either way, thank you for visiting and hope that you find something worth your time.


As I bring over the content of the old site, it occurs to me that there are likely things among those writings that I no longer agree with. I'm not reading through anything at the moment, just copying/pasting and formatting. Once I have finished with setting everything up, I'll eventually take the time to give everything a look and see if I wish to make any edits. I definitely care far less about many things than I did years ago, so necessary revision should be made to reflect this.

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